27 Mistakes Students Make with Their Essay

27 Mistakes Students Make with Their Essay


Are your essay writing tasks bothering you? Students usually receive essay assignments in schools and colleges. Have you ever wondered why essay writing has become challenging for you whereas other students enjoy the same?

We will explore various mistakes made by the students while writing an academic essay in this article. It is significant to discover your mistakes so that you do not repeat them next time.

1. Improper Planning:

Planning is crucial if you aim to deliver optimum work at the minimum time. Planning helps to perform the task efficiently. Sometimes, students fail to make an appropriate plan of action. The major problem is that the statements are not well-organized and lose the connection with each other. When you write an essay, make sure that the essay focuses on a single issue, and all the sections are connected.

2. Inappropriate Introduction:

The introduction must be able to hook the audience. Try to add catchy phrases that engage a large number of audiences. The students fail to compose an impressive introduction that leads to the failure of drafting a quality-rich essay.

3. Inappropriate conclusion:

The conclusion should be relatable to the main idea. Do not add any new information or new argument in conclusion.

4. Adding title that is not suitable:

The title must include the main idea of the essay. The readers should easily predict what the essay is all about by just looking at the title. The reader will first look through the title and then decide whether the document is relevant for them or not.

5. Not understood the requirements correctly:

All academic writing tasks need to fulfill the guidelines and requirements. Every type of essay has different requirements. Sometimes, the guidelines are puzzling, and students fail to understand them clearly. You should adopt the style of writing as per the kind of essay you are working on.

6. Complex statements:

Using complex statements can confuse the readers and leave a destructive impact. It becomes difficult for the readers to understand when the statements are complicated. Please use simple language and clear terms.

7. Not use transition statements to connect the paragraphs:

The flow of statements must be uniform as it makes the essay more readable and engaging. The introduction will present the main argument in front of the readers. The body of the essays contains in-depth information on the topic based on research. The conclusion should add the closing statements that must not introduce any new argument.

8. Improper presentation and page layout:

Students overlook the presentation part when they rush to finish the essay assignment and submit it on time. It is significant to present your essay correctly and use an attractive layout.

9. Lack of clarity:

Clarity should never be put at stake. If the readers cannot understand what you are trying to say, then the purpose of your essay will go in vain. Try to think from a reader’s point of view also. You can design your essay accordingly.

10. Mistakes with the usage of tense:

Be careful while managing the use of tenses. Inconsistent tense usage can leave a wrong impression on the readers.

11. Punctuation errors:

Students usually miss out the punctuating the statements. It makes it difficult for the readers to interpret the statements. They might end up misinterpreting or misunderstanding the sentences.

12. Grammatical mistakes:

Grammar always becomes a source of mistakes for the student. Students need to check the whole document thoroughly for grammatical errors using a reliable online tool. The errors must be rectified before submission.

13. Incorrect citations:

Citations play a vital role in academic writing. Students rarely know about correct sources. Many of them use incorrect citations.

14. Missed out references:

It is necessary to keep a record of the references used throughout the essay. Missing out the references can indicate that the essay is not drafted based on a good literature review. The chances of detecting duplicity also increase if the student misses out on any reference.

15. Fail in composing correct topic statement:

The first line of each paragraph is the topic statement that connects the current section with the previous one.

16. Wrong choice of words/phrases:

It would be best to use the words only after knowing its meaning and ensuring it fits as per the context. The right choice of words is quite essential as it emphasizes the critical points of your essay.

17. Spelling mistakes or typos:

Spelling mistakes and typos are prevalent mistakes. These errors are easily identified

18. Contradicting statements:

Do not write anything that raises a question on your assumption or your argument. Avoid using contradicting statements.

19. Writing statements without critical analyzing:

Do not write anything irrelevant or something that you have not researched precisely. Write the sentence followed with a justifying statement.

20. Use of quotes:

Choose paraphrasing instead of exactly quoting the same sentence or phrase in your essay. Students do this when they fail to analyze the quote correctly.

21. Not providing required evidence:

The students try to escape from the researching part. They write the statements without analyzing them. You have to validate each of your statements used in the essay solution.

22. Use of slang in the flow of writing:

Using an informal tone or not using formal writing vocabulary can arise such a situation. It would be best if you proofread the whole document before submission.

23. Sentence fragments:

Incomplete sentences that do not convey proper meaning must be avoided. It can be ruled out by reviewing the document.

24. Unreliable references:

Sometimes the sources from where the students acquired the information used in the essay are not genuine. It creates problems and puts a question on the credibility.

25. Poor readability:

Try to use short and straightforward statements conveying clear meaning to the audience. Otherwise, it will affect the readability score of your essay.

26. Not putting required efforts:

It is important to spare the required time in analyzing and writing the essay. Proper time devotion would make your essay stand out.

27. Not edited the document before submission:

Students skip the editing part, which is not acceptable. Proofreading and editing improve the quality of the essay.

Avoiding such silly mistakes will help you draft ideal essay solutions.

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About Author:

Jake Thomson is a contributing writer to LiveWebTutors. He is a podcaster, style coach and has been a blogger and a professional blogger writing about educational skills, personal development and motivation since 2010. He has her own blogging website and well-established blog.
