Get NEET-Ready with these Amazing Tips to Sharpen Your Mind

Get NEET-Ready with these Amazing Tips to Sharpen Your Mind


The pursuance of mindfulness could be an act of reflexes or individual practice. The approaching NEET-UG exam could be chaotic for the mind with board exam preparation and NEET preparation. Here in this article, we discuss a few tips which will help you get through these times.

  1. Train yourself to be mindful

The act of being mindful is a stress-management technique. It requires one to observe thoughts, breathe and feel. Practice some meditation and concentrate on your breathing. Try to feel and comprehend your thoughts when it wanders, acknowledge it silently and focus on your breaths. On the day of the exam, focusing on breathing will help you calm your nerves and aid in getting the best out of you.

  1. Eliminate distractions

At times simply jotting down your distracting thoughts can seem as though you are literally extracting it out of your mind and discarding it. One of the good parts about practising mindfulness is that one learns to be non-judgemental about lingering thoughts permitting oneself to acknowledge the slip and then smoothly reverting to your task. 

  1. In the “zone”

There is no denying the fact that the right ambience is of paramount importance for learning.

So putting focus into creating the right atmosphere can help you stay in the zone. Try keeping your necessities right next to you so that you avoid going off track. These little things can really help one stay focused.

  1. Keep fit

Let’s not forget the best thing that can help you dive into concentrating is your own body. Treat yourself to healthy foods. Have wholesome meals and include lots and lots of water. Keeping fit can help boost your energy levels ultimately leading towards achieving your study goals.

5.Group discussions

We all have a dedicated group of friends or even a family member where we discuss. So when your brain is filled with multiple thoughts and questions the group can come to your rescue. Having a good conversation can lighten your mind and can help you bounce back with a good sense of comfort. You can also turn this into a discussion related to NEET questions. This way, an influx of information can help you better remember concepts.

  1. Get ample sleep

Ensure to sleep well, it is a vital factor for the proper functioning of your mind. In order to work efficiently and effectively around the clock, your mind needs to rest too. At times, it could be really hard and forceful to sleep, especially at times when we are stressed or have had a long day. Unwind before bed by practising some mind-calming activities or simply take a stroll. You can as well write down thoughts to ponder over in the morning and switch to sleeping.

  1. Reward yourself

Do not forget to appreciate yourself every time you achieve a target. It could be a daily or weekly target you met or even a good score at the recent mock test you took up. Promise yourself any favourite thing of yours if you accomplish a task. This way, the journey could be much easier and interesting.

  1. Go easy on yourself

There is no point reprimanding yourself if you couldn’t perform as expected. The only thing which you can do is give your best with what you have, no comprises on that. So, learn from today’s slips and vow to not repeat them tomorrow. Focus on positives and work on weak areas.

All the best!

This was a brief on NEET preparation. If you are a NEET aspirant and seeking online assistance then, NEET coaching is here for you. Subscribe to BYJU’S YouTube Channel for more such content.
