Why you must opt for personal loans for weddings?

Why you must opt for personal loans for weddings?


Personal loans are important ones whenever an individual falls short of expenses to be withdrawn from the past savings. Personal loans help the individual easily spend money. The approval of the loans is very simple and can be approved with minimal documentation. Thus it is beneficial for the borrower to avail loans easily and utilize the funds for the marriage purpose. The personal loans are charged the interest rates at the rate of 9-15% per annum, which can be considered as quite reasonable ones. The right lenders offering the lowest interest rates should be identified by the borrower. The loans can be taken from any of the lenders as per the choice of the borrower. The loans taken can be repaid in 5 years. There are also instant personal loans being available which can be opted for by the borrower through the mobile application. The mobile application helps the individual get instant personal loans being approved and credited into the bank account for the personal loans. The personal loans need to be repaid on time by the borrower to avoid penalty being charged by the bank.

The wedding ceremony is considered one of the most auspicious ceremonies in India. The loans can be taken easily up to the limit of Rs.25 lakhs by an individual for the wedding purpose. The loans taken can be utilized for decoration purposes, food arrangement, bridal makeup, for performing rituals. etc. Also, the pending amount if any can be utilized for the honeymoon purpose as well. Loans can be paid in equal installments over 5 years. The weddings like the destination wedding or the wedding at exotic clubs or resorts are one of the most costly weddings for which the borrower can take the loans from the bank or an NBFC. Personal loans for wedding purposes can be utilized for all necessary needs which an individual requires during the wedding. On average a costly wedding can be considered for which the cost incurred is Rs.10 lakh – Rs.25 lakh as high budget weddings. The loans taken can be repaid in installments by the borrower from the recurring income availed from the job or a business. The marriages cost heavily in India as many people are invited for the marriage and thus grand arrangement is required for the overall arrangement of the wedding.

Reasons for opting for loans for wedding purposes

  • Personal Loans help an individual divide the burden of the loans in equal installments for five years.
  • Personal loans can be charged at much affordable interest rates of 9-15% per annum. A good lender can help avail loans at much affordable interest rates.
  • Personal loans can help an individual spend more amount of money for the wedding purpose than the actual savings the borrower has with themselves.
  • Personal loans can help an individual keep the savings intact and utilize the funds for the wedding purpose which can be paid at a later stage.
  • Instant personal loans can be availed by the borrower on an instant basis by uploading the necessary documents and also by filling up the online form instant personal loans can be availed by the borrower.
  • Personal loans can help an individual increase the budget for the wedding purpose and can spend the money even in case of not having adequate savings.
  • Personal loans can help an individual make financial planning easy for wedding purposes.
  • Personal loans expenditure records aren’t required to be shown by an individual to the bank so thus the borrower can utilize the funds as per the wish of an individual. Only the installments should be paid on time by an individual.

It is beneficial for an individual to avail of loans from the bank for the wedding purpose. Personal loans can help increase the budget and can help get sufficient time for the repayment of the loans. The loans need to be repaid on time by an individual to avoid penalty being charged to the borrower. The personal loans can be utilized for destination weddings, weddings in clubs or resorts. etc.
