How to get children to lose engagement in drawing

How to get children to lose engagement in drawing


In this post, I expressed my concern about the possibility that someone at school might try to draw, give him guidelines, and thus restrict his technique or his way of “speaking” by removing.

Focusing a bit on vision, I would like to begin a series of entries (three, to be more specific) to explain five things that adults do, unintentionally and usually with best intentions, which help children lose creativity and the desire to cool sketches.

  1. Call your first drawing doodles

The first mistake all adults make is to treat babies’ first drawings as doodles. We usually say, “he’s small; he doesn’t know how to draw more than doodles,” because we believe that drawing expresses something that others should know how to see and, more realistic representation, better draw the child.

However, children who make consistent and endless circles, as if unable to prevent the pen from turning in their hand, draw and do so well because that is what they are supposed to do.

RAE said a scribble is an “irregular feature made with pen, pencil, etc.,” in addition to being a “less drawn script.” It would be something like a poorly done drawing, something that can and should be better, and I think I’m not mistaken when I say that we all have a concept of scribble that is a series of strokes with no sequence or meaning that shows nothing in person who made it.

But for children, it makes sense because it is the first stage they must do. A first step will proceed to the next when the sum of the continuous circles is limited to one (which will change towards the triangle, the square, and other shapes that a child makes without anyone teaching him vegetables name).

I say you should do this because to get to the first circle or the first isolated spiral, the child practices by turning the pen of the pen, as when he repeats a word hundreds of times to another ‘t other contexts before making it own.

So, something valuable and valid like drawing practice should not be called a “scriptural” or, if it is called that way, we should change the concept of the word because more sheets are filled with a younger in his strokes, he will be more enjoyable, and he will learn more.

It’s like a child who has learned to speak and at two years old says “toche” instead of a car; someone tells him he speaks badly. It does not speak badly, and it is he is two years old and therefore says like a two-year-old boy. So, with age, he does it well (also think of the consequences a year old might hear that someone said about him speaking badly).

To continue

Today I don’t want to expand myself any further, so go around the message I left you with today, and tomorrow we’ll be going with more tips to make sure our kids don’t want to sit down to draw, but you prefer to do other things that are more compelling to them.
